Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Interesting sites for equipment etc.....

First of, I thought I'd list the equipment I tend to use. Quite a few people have asked me where I source my seeds etc so here's my favourite sites;

For seeds; SKY SPROUTS - Organic seeds - this company's seeds are awesome!

For equipment; UK JUICERS - sell seeds too.  I actually use the EasyGreen automatic sprouter which I cannot praise enough (though it is expensive!) I wrote a review of this one here; My review can be found here;
My juicer is this one;   Click here

Other than that, it's sprouting jars, sprouting trays and the usual stuff which can also be bought from the two sites above.  Obviously Amazon stocks a lot of stuff too (including the books I'll be recommending) but I like to support these two where I can.
(*Brett from Sky Sprouts has very kindly added the link to my blog on his website - thanks Brett!)

I'll list my favourite books tomorrow but for now I'll say Cheerio! The weather isn't too bad here today so I'm going to plant some herb seeds for over the winter.............dear me, where has this year gone??

Bergamot - lovely for tea and an important part of Earl Grey


  1. Hello pam!
    Lovely blog you have here x

    1. Hey John - got the new chooks!!! Check this out;
