My favourite pastime! I love growing sprouts and micros - let's face it you can't get anything fresher anywhere. You don't even need a garden.
My favourites include;
Beetroot, carrot micros, fenugreek (which has 3 different flavours depending on what stage you use it), alfalfa, clover, red cabbage, sunflower greens, lettuce, spinach, wheat, broccoli (so very good for you!), basil (eat it at any stage and it's yummy!), mung and adzuki beans.
In fact, there aren't any I don't like!
They are packed with high quality protein which is far more accessible to the human body than the protein derived from flesh products. Did you know that the cells of chlorophyll are only one component different from haemoglobin? Green plant cells have magnesium ion at their nucleus and haemoglobin has iron. They are still not quite sure how it happens but it seems somehow the body can convert or swap the magnesium ion for iron and it creates new haemoglobin cells..........amazing, or what?
Sprouts and micros are also packed with nutrients and vitamins. And the big plus is you can grow them in the kitchen, pick them fresh and gruesome though this may sound - eat them whilst they are still alive!
Beans like mung are lovely to just snack on as they are. Liven up any salad and impress your guests by sprinkling some bright coloured micros on your main course just before you serve. All the top chefs and restaurants do that these days. Here's a few photos to whet your appetite (ha! No pun intended :-) )
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