Saturday 19 October 2013

The Miracle of Avocados..........

A very dear friend of mine called round Friday morning and amazed me with the following information. Now this is someone I've known for a long time and for the purpose of this post I will call her Joan.

I know Joan has been plagued for over 18 months with trouble with the skin on her legs........She'd been backwards and forwards to the doctors all this time with her skin driving her mad. It was itchy, sore and very hot and uncomfortable. I've spoken to her many a time and she'd been in tears, being driven to distraction. She'd had all sorts of antibiotics, skin creams and goodness knows what but nothing improved it. No-one ever actually gave 'it' a name for a long time...........

She developed a lesion on her leg which became a large open wound that wouldn't heal. With similar happening on her other leg (the other leg had an enormous lump too). So yet again she trundled off to the doctors who offered her yet more anti-biotics. She declined and accepted she was going to have to learn to live with it. She'd been told the hole was her leg being eaten from the inside out by 'a bug'. Not nice!

A few weeks ago, her sister happened to ask her if she'd pick her up a couple of avocados whilst she was out shopping. They were something Joan wasn't keen on but her sister tempted her to try them again and to her surprise, she found this time round she liked them so knowing they are really good for you, Joan started buying them for herself and having one a day.

A week later, she noticed her leg had all but stopped itching..........

Three weeks later - her legs were almost back to normal!!

Joan had done nothing different at all, except eat an avocado every day! And here is the proof - after 18 miserable months Joan is finally free from her distress and you can even see the 'dint' on this leg where the flesh had been eaten.........
Joan's leg, including the hollow from the flesh-eating bug!

Now I recount this story not to encourage you to throw all your meds in the bin! I am NOT a doctor - I'm just someone that believes we can all lead healthier lives if we watch the fuel we take into our bodies. But this certainly highlights for me - food plays a huge part in who and what we are.......and who and what we can be......

Thank you for sharing this Joan (and for letting me photograph your leg!) I'm absolutely delighted you're free of your plight after all this time xx

Now there's food for thought!

(NB. The information given is purely for interest only - if you suffer from some malady - please do see your doctor).

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