Tuesday 15 October 2013

The grass is always greener............

Here are a series of photos of wheat grass (though it's not as if you don't all know what grass looks like!)

Having been into sprouting etc for more years than I care to remember (!) I shied away from trying wheat grass - no idea why - I just thought it looked hard work! However, it's not although even with my EasyGreen I couldn't produce enough juice for two of us to have like you should (i.e. every day) I can produce enough to enjoy some of the benefits from it. (After all I don't want to be without my other sprouts now, do I?)

From this.....

......to this....

and finally, to this!
It tastes delicious - despite any misgivings I'd also had about that! I have now worked out how to have a better supply - I sprout it then add it to trays of organic compost. So I now have lots more trays on the go........the trouble is the four cats like it too.

Oh well............perhaps I should just buy a field somewhere!  


  1. Like so many people, I've tried growing Mung bean sprouts without great results. They always seemed to do well up to a point, then turned brownish. Any tips?

  2. Hi Cro
    That is strange as I never have any trouble with mung beans. I don't even put them in the EasyGreen I just use the standard jar method. OK, a couple of questions...
    Where do you keep the sprouts? And what in?
    How often do you rinse them?
    Where you live - is it warm/cold, damp atmosphere....?
    Also - which bit turns brown? Silly question but if it's the empty husks we can crack that one. The other thing is when OI'm sprouting mung I only ever do about a tablespoon (dry) at a time. If too many fill the jar as they sprout - they do go off pretty quickly.

    Cheers Cro! We'll sort your beans out between us :-)

  3. I wonder if I was doing too many at once? I used a jam jar, on the windowsill, and rinsed about 3 times a day. I seem to remember it was the tips of the sprouts that turned brown.

  4. Hi Cro - it could well be that. Three times a day rinsing should be enough. Perhaps try a few less. It may be that they're starting to rot in the jar........also as well to keep the jar out of full sunlight. My jar goes at the back of the sink which gets no direct sun. If I want to green any sprouts up I move them into indirect light for 24-48 hours.
    Let me know how you get on!

